©2024 Edo State Government

  1. The affairs of the Agency shall be governed by a Governing Board (referred to in the Law as “THE COUNCIL”).

The board shall consist of:

(a)  A member of the Edo State Executive Council as the Chairman  (Commissioner for Finance)

(b)  A member of Edo State Executive Council as the Vice Chairman (Commissioner for Economic Planning and Budget).

(c) Two other members of the Edo State Executive Council  (Attorney-General & Commissioner for Justice), and any other commissioner.

(d)   Three persons from the public, one from each Senatorial District of the State who shall be part time members and nominated by the Governor and the persons should be of unquestionable character, including a member of the Civil Society Organizations (CSO), whose nomination shall be confirmed by the Edo State House of Assembly.

(e)  The Managing Director of the Agency.

  1. The functions and powers of the Board are subject to the provisions of the law, which includes:

(a)   Set, considers and/or amend the monetary and prior review thresholds for the application of the provisions of this Law by procuring entities.

(b)   Consider and approve policies on public procurement.

(c)   Approve any procurement guidelines or regulations to be made pursuant to this Law.

(d)   Approve  the  employment  of  the  management  and  staff  of  the  Edo  State  Public procurement Agency.

(e)   Receive  and  consider,  for  approval,  the  audited  accounts  of  the  Edo  State  Public Procurement Agency, and

(f)  Give such other directives and or perform such other functions not being inconsistent with the provisions of this Law, as may be necessary to achieve the objectives of this Law.

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