©2024 Edo State Government


Access the full texts of relevant procurement laws, regulations, and guidelines governing procurement activities in Edo State. Stay informed about the legal framework that governs public procurement processes.

Explore comprehensive procurement policies, guidelines, and manuals developed by ESPPA to provide clarity and guidance on procurement procedures, methods, and best practices.

Download standard procurement forms, templates, and documents for use in various procurement processes, including bidding documents, evaluation criteria, contract templates, and performance assessment forms.

 Access a repository of procurement publications, reports, research papers, and case studies highlighting best practices, lessons learned, and emerging trends in public procurement. Stay informed about industry developments and innovations.

Explore training materials, presentations, webinars, and e-learning modules designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and competencies of procurement practitioners, government officials, and stakeholders.

Find answers to frequently asked questions about public procurement processes, procedures, regulations, and requirements. Get clarity on common procurement issues and challenges.

Discover a range of procurement tools, software, and resources to streamline procurement processes, enhance efficiency, and improve decision-making. Access market analysis tools, procurement planning software, and risk assessment frameworks.

Consult a comprehensive glossary of procurement terms and definitions to enhance understanding and communication among stakeholders. Clarify terminology commonly used in public procurement discourse.

Access links to relevant procurement websites, portals, and resources from government agencies, international organizations, professional associations, and academic institutions. Explore additional sources of information and support for procurement practitioners.

Reach out to ESPPA for further assistance, inquiries, or feedback regarding the procurement resources available on our website. Our team is here to support your procurement needs and provide guidance on accessing and utilizing these resources effectively.